Q: What happens during each tutoring session?
A: At every tutoring session, each student is assigned to a tutor who best fits the student's profile. After the pairing, the tutor will tutor the student for 50 minutes, break for 10 minutes, and resume tutoring for another 50 minutes.
Q: Do students have to bring their own materials to work on?
A: While students are encouraged to bring material they can work on, we do provide workbooks for those who come empty handed.
Q: What can parents do to help?
A: Other than provide transportation for children to and from the tutoring location, parents can also donate snacks and juice boxes for the students. Snack donations are always appreciated and can be dropped off at any session. Additionally, for tutoring that takes place in libraries, parents are advised to get library cards for their child (which can easily be obtained for free by signing up at the front desk). Center managers or tutors can assist with this.
Q: How can you contact a tutor or center manager?
A: Center managers will provide the e-mails and phone numbers of the tutors upon request.
Q: What kind of workbooks/materials should I bring?
A: Although the right materials are based on preference, here are some sample workbooks we recommend:
Grade 2:
Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills Grade 2
Spectrum Math Workbook Grade 2
Brain Quest Workbook Grade 2
Scholastic Success with Reading Comprehension Grade 2
Spectrum Reading Workbook Grade 2
Grade 3:
Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills Grade 3
Brain Quest Workbook Grade 3
Spectrum Math Workbook Grade 3
Scholastic Success with Reading Comprehension Grade 3
Spectrum Reading Workbook Grade 3
Grade 4:
Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills Grade 4
Brain Quest Workbook Grade 4
Spectrum Math Workbook Grade 4
Spectrum Reading Workbook Grade 4
Scholastic Success with Reading Comprehension Grade 4
Spectrum Writing Workbook Grade 4
Scholastic Success with Writing Grade 4
Q: Can students bring in homework?
A: While not mandatory, students are encouraged to bring in material they would like help with, be it school homework or workbooks they use outside of school.
Q: What are students expected to bring?
A: If financially feasible, students are expected to bring in their own supplies. If not, tutors may be able to bring extra pencils, pens, erasers, and paper for the students to use. Students can also bring books to read.
Q: CAN volunteers receive service hours?
A: Yes, center managers can verify hours in whatever format needed (such as x2vol, service logs etc.) in order to fulfill volunteers’ hour requirements for NHS or other service clubs. For x2vol, you will need to input your center manager’s email.